The Government of Canada’s record on climate change (2006-present)

From Climate Action Network Canada, 2011-03-25:

Turning the Tide on Climate Change

Turning the Tide on Climate Change

The current government has taken a reckless approach to one of the greatest challenges of our time. Despite the fact that the impacts of climate change have become increasingly obvious, the government has failed to take this crisis seriously. What follows lays out the government’s record on climate change over the past five years.

The following is a list of issues detailed on their website (click here)

  • Ongoing handouts to big oil
  • Refusing to take tough action on industrial pollution
  • Declining clean energy investment
  • Disregard for the will of parliament
  • An international pariah at the global climate change negotiations
  • False start on international climate financing
  • Attacking clean energy policies in other countries
  • Declining support for climate change research /muzzling government climate scientists

Visit the website (click here) or download their report: Government_of_Canada’s_record_on_climate_change.pdf

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3 Responses to The Government of Canada’s record on climate change (2006-present)

  1. Christine says:

    I’m printing this off and sharing it at our local Earth Festival which happens to fall the weekend before the election. You’ve saved me some work – thx!

  2. Pingback: Why Aren’t Canadian Politicians Talking About What’s Real? « 350 or bust

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